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  • Writer's pictureKim  Wood

Weddings in 2021…What to Know!!!

Things to consider as you are booking your 2021 wedding:

1. Venues: Book now! Book now! Book now! Should I say it one more time? BOOK NOW! Wedding venues are going to run out of available dates quickly. You need be aware that it is quite likely that the competition is twice as tough to get the venue you want for the date that you want.

2. Outdoors: Consider picking an outdoor venue. As restrictions lift in 2021, I suspect that indoor weddings will continue to have stricter guidelines for guest attendance. Pick a beautiful outdoor location for your wedding. I think you will find less stress in monitoring COVID-19 restrictions and limitations. I will give more tips on this in a later post.

3. Photography: BOOK NOW! Whether it is my services or someone else’s services, there will be double the demand for wedding photography for 2021 (and for 2022). This is the same reasoning as booking a venue now, wedding photography is a limited resource. It would be a shame for you to have a beautiful venue, the perfect wedding date and crappy photos of your special day.

4. Bridal attire: You need to reserve/purchase your bridal dress as soon as possible. With COVID-19, the supply chain has been disrupted across the board. Even if you still have that last 10 lbs to lose, don’t wait on securing the wedding dress. You can always have it altered. This also holds true for the groom; he needs to secure his wedding attire as well. Yes, you guessed it…same holds true for the bridal party.

5. Fun idea: If you hire your photographer early in the process, ask the photographer to take photos of the bride picking out her dress!

6. Announcements/Invitations: Do not wait until the last minute to have your announcements and invitations printed. Printing companies are backlogged. I suggest having your engagement photos completed at least 90 days prior to your wedding date. Be prepared that the printing may take up to 3 weeks.

The takeaway is this: if you want to have a wedding in 2021, you absolutely need to book your venue and photographer now. What about 2022? The demand for venues and photographers will likely impact 2022 as well. It’s simple, don’t delay in securing your venue and photographer.


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